With the advance in the teaching of spiritual authority in the last 50 years, there has sadly been a lack of teaching on responsibility that comes with it. This has partially caused a great divide between the privileges of church officeholders and their level of accountability. There are now a [ … ]
Growing in this Season of Failed Prophecies
I often find myself sitting across a meeting space with people wanting counsel in times of transition. There are some common threads to these conversations. People are in a season of transition. They feel uncomfortable with where their decisions have taken them. They are looking for approval to move into [ … ]
The Modern Prophetic Movement is Badly Broken
Mike Tyson has a famous saying, “Everyone has a plan untill they get punched in the mouth.” Tyson was replying to a reporter’s question whether he was worried about his next opponent’s fight plan. There is a remarkabale amount of truth to this and it is playing out in modern [ … ]
Speaking the Language of the Other
Pentecostal love was demonstrated by God with the outpouring of the Spirit. On Pentecost, the Spirit was poured out on those in attendance and they spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Many followers miss the fact that Holy Spirit empowers people to speak the language of [ … ]
Snake Handling in the Age of Cornavirus
A few years ago, Cody Coots was preaching in the pulpit his father left empty after his death in 2014. Like his father before him, Cody pastors the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Tennessee. And like his father before him, Cody Coots had just been bitten by a [ … ]
Truth Over Ideology
There is no competition. Jesus invites us into a life in the kingdom of God where there is always enough for everybody. Those who have not had their minds transformed are still in the competition of the world where there is a the law of zero sum gain. Your victory is my defeat.